Dear McKenzie,
Happy 15 months! This month has been an incredible month of change for you! You are growing by leaps and bounds and your personality is emerging more and more each day! You now have your own opinions and although you may not have many words to communicate, you sure know how to tell us what you want!
Most days, you are happy and giggly and a joy to be around. Even the worst days aren't so bad because Dad and I are figuring out how to distract and re-direct. Dad is really good at it! He says it's because he thinks like you do! :)
Here are your stats for the month:
Clothing Size:
You are wearing mostly 12 month clothing, although much of it is starting to get short. I think you have really grown over the past couple of weeks. You have started wearing 18 months in some outfits. Definitely at an in between stage!

What's Happening:
Walking! That's what's happening. It's not even walking any more...you now run! You run around the house and into each room. It's hard to even keep up with you!
Favorite Thing - Your "tappy" sandals. See picture above. See those shoes? Those are your favorite. These are the only shoes you allow us to put on without a fight. As soon as we put them on you, you run out to the hardwood floor as fast as you can. You run around, tapping your feet and laughing. You would wear these sandals all day. Just a few nights ago, you were not happy with us until we put the sandals on you. You were in your pajamas at the time. Quite a sight! You would not let us remove them. It's completely normal to sleep in your sandals, right!? I had to sneak and take them off of you once you fell asleep!
Words - The favorite is still "dog-dog". It's the first word that you say as you wake up. You point to the dogs as they come into your room and you smile and laugh at them. You walk all around the house pointing to the dogs and shouting "dog-dog"! You get super excited whenever you see a dog on the TV and will stop what you are doing to shout "dog-dog"! You are mimicking the cadence and sounds of what we say more and more, so I'm thinking a few more words may be coming soon!

Stairs - You can now walk up the stairs. There are 15 of them to be exact. We always stand behind you and it still makes me nervous, but you are steady and fast.
Kicking a Ball - We went to the Harford County Farm Fair in July and you won a pink bouncy ball! It has become one of your favorite toys. You bounce it and kick it all through-out the house. Many nights, you are entertained by it for 30+ minutes, which says a lot about someone who normally bounces from one toy to the next! You giggle and smile and are getting great at throwing it.
Bike Riding - You received a bike for your first birthday and you love it! We keep it in the garage and any time that you see it, you demand to ride it. You love being pushed in it and will hang out in it while Dad and I get things done outside. Your feet are almost long enough to touch the pedals, so the next lesson will begin soon! Dad was riding a bike by 2 years old, so you have a lot to live up to!

Reading - You love books and reading! On our long car rides home each day, you will read your book and point to the pictures . Your favorite is the animal picture book. Of course, the page with the dog is your favorite! We read to you each night and your demands for the numbers of books we read grows as well! Thank goodness your books are still short, because I believe we recently read 6 of them before you went to bed!
McKenzie, words can't even describe how much we love you! You are so much fun to be around and our favorite times are the times we get to spend with you! Continue to grow into the little person that you are becoming! It's so much fun to be your parents!
Mom and Dad
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