Today’s post is about an event that happened over a month ago. I wasn't going to write about it, but then it’s one of those moments that keeps coming back to me. Every time I think about it, it bothers me more. It was one of those moments as a Mom that I will never forget, for multiple reasons. Let me explain…
Brian was out-of-town. McKenzie and I went to dinner to celebrate my brother-in-law’s birthday. After dinner, we headed to a local creamery to have ice cream. After waiting in line for over 30 minutes, we finally had our ice cream and were able to sit down outside at a picnic table. Thank goodness for McKenzie’s grandfather, who kept her occupied the entire time we waited in line. You know how patient toddlers can be!
McKenzie made her rounds at the table, taking a little bite of everyone’s ice cream. Initially, she walked around to everyone for a bite. Then she sat on the table in front of me for some time. Eventually, McKenzie scooted to the center of the table, to be the center of attention, naturally! She stood up on the table, but was surrounded by all of our family. She wasn't in danger. She wasn't hurting anyone. We were at a picnic table outside.
That’s when it started…the judging. There was another curious toddler nearby, who instantly zoned in on McKenzie. She was older than McKenzie (maybe 3 or 4) and wanted nothing more than to come over and talk to her. She kept pointing to her and attempting to walk over. As she pointed, we could hear the mother say, “Yes, I see her. I don’t know why she’s standing on the table. We don’t stand on tables. I don’t know why her Mommy is letting her.” OK…that was the start of it. I understand at some point, I too will be in a position to have to explain some unwanted behavior of another child to McKenzie. I didn't fault the Mom for this. It was more of how she was going about it. Either way, I was ready to let it go! It didn't really blip my radar.
Then the little girl proceeded to come right over and sit next to me. The Mom walked over with her. McKenzie loves other children, so she instantly started waving and smiling, still on top of the table. As any Mom would do, I talked to the little girl who was now sitting next to me, “Hi there! How are you? What’s your name?” The little girl didn't reply, but I hadn't really expected her to. This is where a normal mother would have said, “Say my name is… and prompted the little girl.” I don’t have a problem with you joining our table, but at least be social as a parent. Even wild animals grunt! Instead, the woman stood there silent, with a look on her face that I will never forget, still judging me for having my daughter on the table. I said it again…still nothing. Still judging. At this point, I was freaking irritated. If you’re going to come over, at least be social. If you think my child is such a heathen and you don’t want to talk, then don’t come over to us. Right?
Let’s pause the story for a moment before I continue with the epic ending…
Moms, I know that we all don’t raise our children the same. Some children are allowed to do things that other mother’s wouldn't tolerate. I get it, but let’s be honest. We are all in this together. Some days, if standing on the table is going to buy me 5 more minutes of peace before a meltdown, then so be it. If she’s safe, it’s OK! We weren't at a fine dining establishment. She wasn't standing on the table in the middle of Ruth’s Chris. She was on a picnic table, which lives outside, which is exposed to the elements…all elements, including seeing other mother’s changing their children’s diapers on these tables. So was it different from the rules that you have set for your child? Yes. Will I allow McKenzie to stand on tables when she’s 4 years old? No. Will I allow it now, while she is still relatively small? Yes.
My point is, stop judging! We've all been there. If we haven’t, we’ll all be there at some point! Instead of loudly judging, both with words and facial expressions, give that Mom a smile. Let her know you know exactly how frazzled, frustrated, overwhelmed, and tired she is. A smile that says, “I get it. It’ll be ok. This too shall pass.” Whatever you do, don’t judge! We may all raise our children differently, but we all have the same struggles. So please, stop judging, because we’re all in this together.
Now the epic ending…
The judging continued and the awkward silence ensued while McKenzie and the little girl waved to one another. With perfect timing, McKenzie grunted and turned red (you know what that means). Then, before I could even stop her, she hopped and landed, with a blow-out of epic proportions. It was only up her back, but definitely visible. As irritated as I had been with this woman, I was now mortified. How embarrassing! Again, we’ve all been there, so laugh at the grossness, smile and say have a good night. Instead, the woman shrieked, picked her child up and ran away. I will never forget the look on that woman’s face. Score 1 for McKenzie for giving “shit” right back to the woman who had been giving us shitty looks all night! Go Team!
A Letter to my 16 Year-Old Self | 52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose
Dear Sixteen Year Old Megan,
Where do I begin? There are so many things that are going to happen to you in the coming years. There will be a fair share of great moments and a fair share of horrible moments. You will survive all of them and you will be a better person because of it.
Before we get to the future, let's start with where you are:
You've just gotten your license and a new sense of freedom...along with your first car. A car that no one has ever heard of....oh Eagle Summit! Although not the dream car you had hoped for, stop being a brat. You have a car. You didn't have to buy it. Don't worry though! With your excellent driving skills, that car meets its demise quickly and you end up with a different car.
Enjoy the rest of your high school experience. Take it all in. The rest of your time is going to go so quickly. Before you know it, you will be graduating and moving on to college. Stay involved in clubs, committees, honor society's and general high school fun. You will make great friends, have invaluable experiences and set yourself up to get into college.
That Outward Bound trip that you are so nervous to go on. Do it. Push yourself. It will change your life. Yes, 5 days in the great outdoors seems like a lot, but I promise, it will be worth it. You will start out very unsure of yourself, your abilities, and the whole trip in general. By the end of the 5 days, you will be setting up a campsite, cooking on your own and navigating the Potomac to get your group back. You will have time throughout the trip to think about what you are experiencing, to journal, to grow. You will come home a changed person. You will have a new sense of confidence and respect. This will be a huge turning point for you as a person, as well as with some of your relationships. You and your Mom's relationship will get so much better after this trip. She becomes your best friend.
Your senior year, you will be dating a guy - a guy that you think is great, but is wrapped up in the wrong crowd and in things that you don't believe in. You stand your ground. You break up with him, which means you end up not having a date for your Senior Year Homecoming. Although it seems like the end of the world, it's really not. You go with friends and end up having an even better time. This is a pivotal moment, as well. Your best friend tells you that she knows a guy who would be perfect for you! She's going to set you up. That guy is Brian, your future husband. Everything happens for a reason!
Also, that body that you are working so hard to change...stop! It's perfect! Twelve years from now, you will be working hard to get back to your 16-year-old weight! Stop being so hard on yourself and obsessed with image. You will never have 6-pack abs - it's not in your genetic make-up. Be happy with who you are. You are perfect.
In the future, you will lose loved ones and you will lose friends. Know that everything happens for a reason and you are exactly where you should be and doing exactly everything the way you should. Everything is a learning experience. You will make mistakes, but you will learn from them and grow.
You will break-up with Brian throughout your time in college. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. You never totally lose touch and always remain friends. Around your Junior year of college, you return home to visit family and decide to have dinner with Brian. That date at La Tolteca...a turning point in your relationship. You start dating again and move in together when you graduate. You live in that house for a few years, and then buy a new house together. This is the house that you move in to 2 weeks before you get married. The craziness! This is the house that you bring your daughter home. This is the house that you become a family in. It will hold great memories.
I'm not sure where life will take you in the future, but know that it's going to be an amazing ride! Continue to hold true to yourself. Continue to follow your dreams. One day, twelve years from now, you will look around and love the life that you have.
You will learn to live by the motto...everything is okay in the end...if it's not okay, it's not the end. It's true every time. Remember that.
Where do I begin? There are so many things that are going to happen to you in the coming years. There will be a fair share of great moments and a fair share of horrible moments. You will survive all of them and you will be a better person because of it.
Before we get to the future, let's start with where you are:
You've just gotten your license and a new sense of freedom...along with your first car. A car that no one has ever heard of....oh Eagle Summit! Although not the dream car you had hoped for, stop being a brat. You have a car. You didn't have to buy it. Don't worry though! With your excellent driving skills, that car meets its demise quickly and you end up with a different car.
Enjoy the rest of your high school experience. Take it all in. The rest of your time is going to go so quickly. Before you know it, you will be graduating and moving on to college. Stay involved in clubs, committees, honor society's and general high school fun. You will make great friends, have invaluable experiences and set yourself up to get into college.
That Outward Bound trip that you are so nervous to go on. Do it. Push yourself. It will change your life. Yes, 5 days in the great outdoors seems like a lot, but I promise, it will be worth it. You will start out very unsure of yourself, your abilities, and the whole trip in general. By the end of the 5 days, you will be setting up a campsite, cooking on your own and navigating the Potomac to get your group back. You will have time throughout the trip to think about what you are experiencing, to journal, to grow. You will come home a changed person. You will have a new sense of confidence and respect. This will be a huge turning point for you as a person, as well as with some of your relationships. You and your Mom's relationship will get so much better after this trip. She becomes your best friend.
Your senior year, you will be dating a guy - a guy that you think is great, but is wrapped up in the wrong crowd and in things that you don't believe in. You stand your ground. You break up with him, which means you end up not having a date for your Senior Year Homecoming. Although it seems like the end of the world, it's really not. You go with friends and end up having an even better time. This is a pivotal moment, as well. Your best friend tells you that she knows a guy who would be perfect for you! She's going to set you up. That guy is Brian, your future husband. Everything happens for a reason!
Also, that body that you are working so hard to change...stop! It's perfect! Twelve years from now, you will be working hard to get back to your 16-year-old weight! Stop being so hard on yourself and obsessed with image. You will never have 6-pack abs - it's not in your genetic make-up. Be happy with who you are. You are perfect.
In the future, you will lose loved ones and you will lose friends. Know that everything happens for a reason and you are exactly where you should be and doing exactly everything the way you should. Everything is a learning experience. You will make mistakes, but you will learn from them and grow.
You will break-up with Brian throughout your time in college. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. You never totally lose touch and always remain friends. Around your Junior year of college, you return home to visit family and decide to have dinner with Brian. That date at La Tolteca...a turning point in your relationship. You start dating again and move in together when you graduate. You live in that house for a few years, and then buy a new house together. This is the house that you move in to 2 weeks before you get married. The craziness! This is the house that you bring your daughter home. This is the house that you become a family in. It will hold great memories.
I'm not sure where life will take you in the future, but know that it's going to be an amazing ride! Continue to hold true to yourself. Continue to follow your dreams. One day, twelve years from now, you will look around and love the life that you have.
You will learn to live by the motto...everything is okay in the end...if it's not okay, it's not the end. It's true every time. Remember that.
5 on Friday - September Edition Week 3
One.This past weekend was incredible. Friday night, we had dinner out on the water with McKenzie. It was a beautiful night and McKenzie was great!
Saturday, we left for the Jason Aldean concert. We checked in at the hotel, had a drink, went to dinner, tail-gated and then headed in to the concert. Jason Aldean is great live, the venue was perfect for a cool Fall evening, and my date was hot! Here's hoping for another great weekend!
Two.The weather has cooled off substantially and McKenzie was able to finally switch over to some of her Fall clothes. Don't mind the blurry picture, but how cute are these Chevron pants!?
![]() |
She's really laughing here...although she looks like she's screaming! |
Four.I've finally gotten myself together and finalized McKenzie's baby book! Brian and I both wrote her letters before she was born and decided to carry on the tradition each month for the first year of her life! I uploaded pictures and the letters to Blurb to create the book. It's been a year-long process, but I finally finished editing and it's ordered. Look for an upcoming post for the reveal, once I receive the actual book!
Five.Stood Up! The impending visit that I have been talking about for two weeks?...Yeah, it didn't happen. They are now saying maybe next week or the first week in October! I just want it to be over!
Have a great weekend!
Baby Book,
Jason Aldean,
Modern Family,
TV Shows,
Walking Dead
The 'B' Word
Recently, I read this. It literally made me stop and think.
I understand the author's point about engaging girls in though provoking conversation, rather than superficial chatter, but I have a hard time buying into the notion that just because you compliment a young girl on her beautiful hair or pretty dress, that she will grow up with any less intellect, knowledge, or know-how than a boy.Statistics are quoted about how as a society, we are driven by beauty. While I agree that our society is driven by beautiful bodies, perfect hair and the latest styles, I disagree that this cycle is perpetuated by telling a young girl she is beautiful. I would like to believe that I will raise a daughter with intelligence, common-sense, determination and motivation, as well as beauty, charm and grace.
The article guides mothers, or other women in the child's life, on the proper way to engage in a conversation with a young girl, without reverting to discussing her looks or the color of her dress. When you see your daughter in a playing dress-up, you shouldn't exclaim, "Look at you! You look beautiful in that dress!" Instead, you are supposed to discuss an action that she is doing. "McKenzie, that is a great way to use your imagination to play dress up! What else could you dress up as!?" The idea is that you should compliment and emphasize the positive attributes of the little girl, instead of complimenting her beauty.
I believe that there can be a balance. I intend on raising a confident daughter, who knows she is beautiful inside and out and who doesn't search for the affirmation of this beauty from others. While I agree that you should give praise to and highlight positive attributes other than beauty, I refuse to not tell my daughter she is beautiful. There is a balance. I will strive to find this balance.
I will tell her she is beautiful...and tell it to her often, because she is beautiful - inside and out. I want her to know that if she hears it from no one else in her day for the rest of her life, I think she's beautiful. Not just beautiful because of her looks or the outfits she wears, but beautiful when she's kind to others, when she does something to help someone, when she makes a smart decision, when she stands up for what she believes in. Knowing that you're raising a daughter who is strong beyond words, intelligent, caring and compassionate is beautiful!
So to everyone reading are each beautiful!
...and no, it's not because of your pretty dress!
High School Back Then | 52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose
Ohhhh High School. Some of the best times of my life.
Looking back is hilarious! What were we thinking?
Sweater Jackets. Enough said. Never again.
Platform Flip Flops. Bad decision. Way too tall. Never again!
Tiffany Charm Bracelets. Everyone had one, although not a Tiffany & Co. one!
Instant Message. It's how we survived in high school and the early years of college. It was cool long before Facebook.
AOL - Dial Up Internet. Long before DSL, there was dial-up. Staring at the screen below while your computer connected to the internet at a frustratingly slow pace. Sisterly fights would ensue when the phone was picked up in the middle of the dial-up, thus making you start all over again!
Napster. Downloading music. For Free. Once the news of illegal downloading broke, your parents would convince you that if you continued to download, the FBI would be knocking at your door to arrest you. You stopped downloading.
Burned CD's. Before the days of an Ipod. You would make CD's for yourself of your favorite songs that you had downloaded from Napster and title it - Spring 2003 or Long Drive Home. Friends would make CD's for one another and write messages on the CD's. I love going through all of my burned CD's every so often. They are a time capsule for that moment of your life. The music takes you back!
Nokia Phones. Everyone had one. First the brick size phone. Then the smaller one. Racking up small fortunes in cell phone bills.When bored, you would play snake.
Meeting the Love of your Life. We were high school sweethearts. We started dating our senior year. I knew I was lucky then and I am still that lucky today!

McKenzie | 16 Months |
Dear McKenzie,
Happy 16 Months!! This month has been so much fun! You are growing up and becoming more of a toddler each day. You are inquisitive about the world you live in and work hard to figure everything out! You laugh from your toes, which makes me laugh even harder! You are sweet and caring! If someone is upset, you know it and come hug them! You give kisses freely and are the sweetest!
Each month gets better and better! We are so blessed to have you as our daughter.
Here are your stats for the month:
Weight: 23 lbs - 75th percentile
Height: 32 inches - 90th percentile! Where did that come from!?
Both Dad and I were shocked at your stats! Everyone always tells us how small you are, but according to the charts, you actually aren't! Keep growing strong!
Clothing Size:You are officially in 18 month clothing. I have a feeling that you will be in this size for some time!
In clothing news, you have so many cute Fall clothes! I loved your summer clothes, but feel like I've seen you in all of them...multiple times! I am ready to throw new outfits in the mix! And Fall clothing is just so cute!
What's Happening:
Toddler Bed
We've transitioned you to a toddler bed! You can read all about it here! You are doing incredible with it! You still haven't realized that you can get out of it on your own and we are okay with that! You have however, figured out how to get in a out of it. The other night, Dad and I were talking, when we looked back into your room, you had climbed into your bed with a book and were reading. It made us both stop and realize just how big you are getting!
You love when other people try to fit in your bed with you! You don't require anyone to sleep with you...thank goodness...but love when people will lay there with you during the day! A- Ra (your Aunt Jessica), jumped in to bed with you and pretended like she was sleeping. You giggled and then snuggled right up with her!
First CircusYou went to the Circus and loved every minute of it! There were circus dogs as part of the show. Those were, by far, your favorite part! You saw them backstage when the curtain opened and kept pointing and yelling "dog-dog!". There were 3 acts before their segment and you kept calling for them! It was so cute and you were so excited!
Favorite Thing
Your favorite thing this month is being outside! You'd spend all day outside if we'd let you! At daycare, you get to ride in a wagon with Ms. Jen each day. You walk with her to drop off and pick up the boys from school. You love the wagon and want to spend all of your time in it! Most days, there is a slight melt down when we have to leave, because you would rather stay and climb in and out of the wagon.
Playing like a ToddlerI know that you are becoming more independent each day, but you are truly playing like a toddler these days. I stopped and just stared at you one day when I came to pick you up from daycare. Instead of wandering around the yard, playing on a blanket, or climbing in and out of the wagon, you were in the playhouse with the other kids. My heart actually sank for a minute! My little baby is now actually playing and interacting the way the older kids at daycare do! It was such a happy and sad moment! So fun though to see you getting so big!
WordsYou have a few new words this month! Dad calls our German Shepherd (Kemo), Bubba. I'm not sure why. He just started referring to him that way one day. Well, you now call him Bubba too! It's kind of embarrassing that one of your first words is Bubba, but so cute that you call for him! When we make you do something that you don't want to do (like change your diaper), you call for him! It's adorable. He always comes running to your rescue!
You also say Bye as you wave goodbye to people! You say Up as well, when you want us to pick you up! You say other words here are there, but these are new ones that you use consistently!
When you aren't using your words, you have finally started using sign language! You will show me the sign for More, when you want more food! It's so nice that you can communicate with us, even without words!
We have always sang songs to you, but this month you have become more interactive! You love The Wheels on the Bus and If You're Happy and You Know It! You will swish the wiper blades, clap your hands and stomp your feet. On our card rides home, if you want me to sing the songs to you, you clap your hands for me. I start singing, you follow along with your charades and we laugh and laugh! Love it!
EatingYou have become a picky eater recently, but still eat fairly well. You are eating more than most toddlers your age, but your appetite on previous months would always include second helpings and shoveling the food in your mouth as quickly as possible. Some days now you don't eat as much and other's you do. We may have to try a few different items, but you definitely still eat! Your favorite food is avocado and guacamole! See the picture below!
This month, you have started using your booster seat at the table, instead of your high chair! It's nice to officially have you at the table with us! You think you are so big now!
Temper Tantrums
The temper tantrums have been getting better this month, but that doesn't mean that they are completely gone! Most of your tantrums revolve around not being able to go outside or having to come in from outside. Life just isn't fair, is it!?
Please take note of what is in her hand in the picture below! Still loving her little sandals! We have since hidden them from her because she would truly wear them every day if she could!
McKenzie, you are so much fun! You make us laugh so hard! Our family is now complete with you and we love how exciting you make our days!
I can't wait to head into the Fall and the holidays with you! They will be even more special this year!
We love you more than there are stars in the sky!
Mom and Dad
Happy 16 Months!! This month has been so much fun! You are growing up and becoming more of a toddler each day. You are inquisitive about the world you live in and work hard to figure everything out! You laugh from your toes, which makes me laugh even harder! You are sweet and caring! If someone is upset, you know it and come hug them! You give kisses freely and are the sweetest!
Each month gets better and better! We are so blessed to have you as our daughter.
Here are your stats for the month:
Weight: 23 lbs - 75th percentile
Height: 32 inches - 90th percentile! Where did that come from!?
Both Dad and I were shocked at your stats! Everyone always tells us how small you are, but according to the charts, you actually aren't! Keep growing strong!
Clothing Size:You are officially in 18 month clothing. I have a feeling that you will be in this size for some time!
In clothing news, you have so many cute Fall clothes! I loved your summer clothes, but feel like I've seen you in all of them...multiple times! I am ready to throw new outfits in the mix! And Fall clothing is just so cute!
What's Happening:
Toddler Bed
We've transitioned you to a toddler bed! You can read all about it here! You are doing incredible with it! You still haven't realized that you can get out of it on your own and we are okay with that! You have however, figured out how to get in a out of it. The other night, Dad and I were talking, when we looked back into your room, you had climbed into your bed with a book and were reading. It made us both stop and realize just how big you are getting!
You love when other people try to fit in your bed with you! You don't require anyone to sleep with you...thank goodness...but love when people will lay there with you during the day! A- Ra (your Aunt Jessica), jumped in to bed with you and pretended like she was sleeping. You giggled and then snuggled right up with her!
First CircusYou went to the Circus and loved every minute of it! There were circus dogs as part of the show. Those were, by far, your favorite part! You saw them backstage when the curtain opened and kept pointing and yelling "dog-dog!". There were 3 acts before their segment and you kept calling for them! It was so cute and you were so excited!
Favorite Thing
Your favorite thing this month is being outside! You'd spend all day outside if we'd let you! At daycare, you get to ride in a wagon with Ms. Jen each day. You walk with her to drop off and pick up the boys from school. You love the wagon and want to spend all of your time in it! Most days, there is a slight melt down when we have to leave, because you would rather stay and climb in and out of the wagon.
Playing like a ToddlerI know that you are becoming more independent each day, but you are truly playing like a toddler these days. I stopped and just stared at you one day when I came to pick you up from daycare. Instead of wandering around the yard, playing on a blanket, or climbing in and out of the wagon, you were in the playhouse with the other kids. My heart actually sank for a minute! My little baby is now actually playing and interacting the way the older kids at daycare do! It was such a happy and sad moment! So fun though to see you getting so big!
WordsYou have a few new words this month! Dad calls our German Shepherd (Kemo), Bubba. I'm not sure why. He just started referring to him that way one day. Well, you now call him Bubba too! It's kind of embarrassing that one of your first words is Bubba, but so cute that you call for him! When we make you do something that you don't want to do (like change your diaper), you call for him! It's adorable. He always comes running to your rescue!
You also say Bye as you wave goodbye to people! You say Up as well, when you want us to pick you up! You say other words here are there, but these are new ones that you use consistently!
When you aren't using your words, you have finally started using sign language! You will show me the sign for More, when you want more food! It's so nice that you can communicate with us, even without words!
We have always sang songs to you, but this month you have become more interactive! You love The Wheels on the Bus and If You're Happy and You Know It! You will swish the wiper blades, clap your hands and stomp your feet. On our card rides home, if you want me to sing the songs to you, you clap your hands for me. I start singing, you follow along with your charades and we laugh and laugh! Love it!
EatingYou have become a picky eater recently, but still eat fairly well. You are eating more than most toddlers your age, but your appetite on previous months would always include second helpings and shoveling the food in your mouth as quickly as possible. Some days now you don't eat as much and other's you do. We may have to try a few different items, but you definitely still eat! Your favorite food is avocado and guacamole! See the picture below!
This month, you have started using your booster seat at the table, instead of your high chair! It's nice to officially have you at the table with us! You think you are so big now!
Temper Tantrums
The temper tantrums have been getting better this month, but that doesn't mean that they are completely gone! Most of your tantrums revolve around not being able to go outside or having to come in from outside. Life just isn't fair, is it!?
Please take note of what is in her hand in the picture below! Still loving her little sandals! We have since hidden them from her because she would truly wear them every day if she could!
McKenzie, you are so much fun! You make us laugh so hard! Our family is now complete with you and we love how exciting you make our days!
I can't wait to head into the Fall and the holidays with you! They will be even more special this year!
We love you more than there are stars in the sky!
Mom and Dad
5 on Friday - September Edition Week 2
One.I’m currently loving these little Halloween pajamas from Carter's! I got them a few weeks ago and can’t wait to see McKenzie in them! The little bones even glow in the dark! Too cute!
Two.I’m starting to work on McKenzie’s Halloween costume. Last year, she was too young to celebrate! Although she still won’t get the candy this year, she will have just as much fun walking around! Here’s to hoping it turns out adorable…just like this one!
Three.Brian and I are getting away this weekend for some much needed “us” time! We are headed to Virginia to see Jason Aldean! I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am for this! I bought the tickets back in May for Brian’s Father’s Day present. September seemed so far away! Well it’s finally here and I am ready!
Four.I've been in a crafty mood lately. I’m not sure if it’s because I love the Fall so much or if it’s a form of stress relief, but whatever the reason…here’s to it! Hoping to create this for our door within the next week or so. Thank you Pinterest!
Five.Speaking of stress! One week down and the MAGNET visit is complete! Now on to the Joint Commission! One more week to power through. I can do this…I can do this…I can do this.
Next Friday…expect to find me with a drink (or two!) in my hand!
Two.I’m starting to work on McKenzie’s Halloween costume. Last year, she was too young to celebrate! Although she still won’t get the candy this year, she will have just as much fun walking around! Here’s to hoping it turns out adorable…just like this one!
Three.Brian and I are getting away this weekend for some much needed “us” time! We are headed to Virginia to see Jason Aldean! I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am for this! I bought the tickets back in May for Brian’s Father’s Day present. September seemed so far away! Well it’s finally here and I am ready!
Four.I've been in a crafty mood lately. I’m not sure if it’s because I love the Fall so much or if it’s a form of stress relief, but whatever the reason…here’s to it! Hoping to create this for our door within the next week or so. Thank you Pinterest!
Five.Speaking of stress! One week down and the MAGNET visit is complete! Now on to the Joint Commission! One more week to power through. I can do this…I can do this…I can do this.
Next Friday…expect to find me with a drink (or two!) in my hand!
Have a great weekend!
A Tribute to Grandparents
Grandparent’s Day was this past weekend. We didn't celebrate it. It’s a Hallmark holiday. Instead, we celebrate each grandparent on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Better yet, we celebrate them every day.
Kenzie is lucky! She has all of her 4 grandparent’s, plus one! My Dad remarried, so she has an additional grandmother, as well! Lucky her! Even more people to love her and spoil her!
I’m not sure you fully understand the value of a grandparent until you are much older. As a young child, you see grandparents as an endless source of fun! They let you do the things that Mom and Dad don’t. They are the fun ones. They take you places. They buy you things you don’t need. They fill you up with sugar and candy. They allow you to break the rules. They come to your rescue.
You grow up. In middle school, you view your grandparents as a homework assignment. We all remember having to interview a grandparent about what life was like when they were young. I can remember the stories that my grandparent’s told me - the walking 5 miles, up-hill, in the snow to get to school type stories. The stories of how simple life was. The way life should be.
Then you grow up more. You are a busy teenager, with a new sense of freedom. Your friends and social outings are your priorities. You still love your grandparents, but you fail to make enough time for them. Even the time you do make, is never enough. They chide you for not calling or stopping by more often. They want to know what’s going on in your life. You continue to grow. You are another year older, and so are they.
You are now a young adult. You have your own life. There aren't enough hours in the day. You are working full-time, purchasing cars and your first home. You are planning a wedding. You are busier than ever. You love you grandparents, but there just isn't time. You don’t see them as often as you should. You call. You stop by when you can. They still want to know about your life. They tell you how proud they are of you and the person that you have become. You are growing up and they are growing older.
Then you grow some more. You have a husband, a new house and child of your own. Then there’s this moment – a moment that stops you in your tracks. A moment where you step back, look at your life and think, Wow….I love where I am right now. Then you hear the words of your grandparent’s echoing in your mind – how proud they are of you and the person that you have become. Tears stream down your face. You wish they were still here. To see the life you are living, to meet McKenzie, to spend time with her as great-grandparents, to enjoy this little girl.
I know it’s one of those lessons that we all need to learn on our own, but I want McKenzie to know how special her grandparents are. I want her to cherish the time that she has with them, because there will come a day that she will stop, look around at her life, and wish that they were here.
Kenzie is lucky! She has all of her 4 grandparent’s, plus one! My Dad remarried, so she has an additional grandmother, as well! Lucky her! Even more people to love her and spoil her!
I’m not sure you fully understand the value of a grandparent until you are much older. As a young child, you see grandparents as an endless source of fun! They let you do the things that Mom and Dad don’t. They are the fun ones. They take you places. They buy you things you don’t need. They fill you up with sugar and candy. They allow you to break the rules. They come to your rescue.
You grow up. In middle school, you view your grandparents as a homework assignment. We all remember having to interview a grandparent about what life was like when they were young. I can remember the stories that my grandparent’s told me - the walking 5 miles, up-hill, in the snow to get to school type stories. The stories of how simple life was. The way life should be.
Then you grow up more. You are a busy teenager, with a new sense of freedom. Your friends and social outings are your priorities. You still love your grandparents, but you fail to make enough time for them. Even the time you do make, is never enough. They chide you for not calling or stopping by more often. They want to know what’s going on in your life. You continue to grow. You are another year older, and so are they.
You are now a young adult. You have your own life. There aren't enough hours in the day. You are working full-time, purchasing cars and your first home. You are planning a wedding. You are busier than ever. You love you grandparents, but there just isn't time. You don’t see them as often as you should. You call. You stop by when you can. They still want to know about your life. They tell you how proud they are of you and the person that you have become. You are growing up and they are growing older.
Then you grow some more. You have a husband, a new house and child of your own. Then there’s this moment – a moment that stops you in your tracks. A moment where you step back, look at your life and think, Wow….I love where I am right now. Then you hear the words of your grandparent’s echoing in your mind – how proud they are of you and the person that you have become. Tears stream down your face. You wish they were still here. To see the life you are living, to meet McKenzie, to spend time with her as great-grandparents, to enjoy this little girl.
I know it’s one of those lessons that we all need to learn on our own, but I want McKenzie to know how special her grandparents are. I want her to cherish the time that she has with them, because there will come a day that she will stop, look around at her life, and wish that they were here.
Happy Grandparent’s Day to the greatest parents – turned Grandparents!
We love you!

Where Were You...?
It's hard to believe that it's been 12 years. It was one of those pivotal moments in all of our lives. For my generation, it was the first of its kind. The first moment of history that occurred right before our eyes. If you ask any of us, we can tell you exactly how the day unfolded and how the events played out. Much like our parent's generation, who could tell you exactly where they were when JFK was assassinated. September 11th was our moment. A moment that changed our world, our country, and millions of families lives forever.
When the first plan struck the World Trade Center, I was just beginning the day. I was in my Sophomore year of high school. I was in (very fittingly) my US History class with Mr. Randall. Reports came out that a plan had struck the world trade center. He saw it on the Google News headlines and reported it to our class. At that point, reports stated that it was a small private jet that crashed. Little did we know.
The bell rang and we changed classes. Everyone was talking about it. All of the lockers were a buzz with the news. We navigated the halls to our next class. I headed to Spanish.
Mrs. Kooistra was our teacher. She was sitting on a stool in front of the class. I will never forget the look on her face. She looked distraught. We all filed in and sat in our seats. The room was silent. Mrs. Kooistra began. We talked, as a class, about what was going on. She asked the class if we would like to watch the news, because more details were coming out. A plane had gone down in Pennsylvania, as well. We unanimously voted yes. She turned on the TV.
Literally, we watched as history happened in front of us. We watched the second plane hit. We watched the news unfold of the Pentagon attack. There were tears, silence and quiet sobs. We watched as the 1st tower collapsed, then the second. We watched in horror. We saw the first hand accounts of people who had escaped, people who were running in the street and the desperate plea of those looking for their loved ones. The teacher sobbed in fear that her husband would be deployed, fellow classmates cried out because they had family that lived and worked in New York. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. It is a moment that neither I, nor one of my classmates, will ever forget.
As a young 16-year-old, I remember that the world didn't seem right. Not that day for sure, but even days later. People you encountered at the grocery stores, at school, in church all looked sad. They looked scared. There was a look of despair.
Then something great came out of such a terrible tragedy. American's stopped. They stopped the furious pace, the crazy work schedules, the forgetting about others. They stopped, and they started. They started caring. They started helping. They started to remember what was important. Family became a focus. There was abundant compassion for complete strangers. The frenetic pace slowed. Priorities shifted. Pride for our country grew. American flags hung at almost every house. A faith in humanity was restored.
Out of evil came tremendous stories.
Twelve years later. We are a changed generation. We are a changed country.
Although the fight is not over, let's use today to remember those who lost their lives that day. Those who served and are serving. Those who defend our country daily. Let's be kind to one another. To stop and reflect on what today really means. Let's pay it someone we don't know. A random act of kindness.
When the first plan struck the World Trade Center, I was just beginning the day. I was in my Sophomore year of high school. I was in (very fittingly) my US History class with Mr. Randall. Reports came out that a plan had struck the world trade center. He saw it on the Google News headlines and reported it to our class. At that point, reports stated that it was a small private jet that crashed. Little did we know.
The bell rang and we changed classes. Everyone was talking about it. All of the lockers were a buzz with the news. We navigated the halls to our next class. I headed to Spanish.
Mrs. Kooistra was our teacher. She was sitting on a stool in front of the class. I will never forget the look on her face. She looked distraught. We all filed in and sat in our seats. The room was silent. Mrs. Kooistra began. We talked, as a class, about what was going on. She asked the class if we would like to watch the news, because more details were coming out. A plane had gone down in Pennsylvania, as well. We unanimously voted yes. She turned on the TV.
Literally, we watched as history happened in front of us. We watched the second plane hit. We watched the news unfold of the Pentagon attack. There were tears, silence and quiet sobs. We watched as the 1st tower collapsed, then the second. We watched in horror. We saw the first hand accounts of people who had escaped, people who were running in the street and the desperate plea of those looking for their loved ones. The teacher sobbed in fear that her husband would be deployed, fellow classmates cried out because they had family that lived and worked in New York. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. It is a moment that neither I, nor one of my classmates, will ever forget.
As a young 16-year-old, I remember that the world didn't seem right. Not that day for sure, but even days later. People you encountered at the grocery stores, at school, in church all looked sad. They looked scared. There was a look of despair.
Then something great came out of such a terrible tragedy. American's stopped. They stopped the furious pace, the crazy work schedules, the forgetting about others. They stopped, and they started. They started caring. They started helping. They started to remember what was important. Family became a focus. There was abundant compassion for complete strangers. The frenetic pace slowed. Priorities shifted. Pride for our country grew. American flags hung at almost every house. A faith in humanity was restored.
Out of evil came tremendous stories.
Twelve years later. We are a changed generation. We are a changed country.
Although the fight is not over, let's use today to remember those who lost their lives that day. Those who served and are serving. Those who defend our country daily. Let's be kind to one another. To stop and reflect on what today really means. Let's pay it someone we don't know. A random act of kindness.
To prove that September 11th did change us...for the better.
A Room in My Childhood Home | 52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose
If I close my eyes and think back, I can vividly remember my childhood home. We lived in Baltimore at the time in a semi-detached house. It was perfect for the three of us - my Mom, sister and I. It was filled with the typical sisterly arguments and unfair rules set by Mom, but it was also filled with love, life lessons and the true meaning of family.
The room that holds a special place in my heart is my bedroom. It was perfect for me. It was my spot. A place that I could call my own. A space that countless hours were spent.
It had a 4 post bed - every young girl's dream. At one point it had a canopy, because let's be honest - didn't all girl's beds in the early 90's? I believe my sister and I may have broken the canopy and thus, I had a 4 post bed. The walls were pink and I felt like a princess in my bed.
A dream catcher hung above my headboard. It caught all of the unwanted thoughts, dreams and fears of this young girl. It was a dream catcher that I made in Girl Scouts and it remained above my bed until we moved when I was in the 8th grade.
I had a white vanity with a small bench. I would spend hours sitting on that bench and styling my hair, trying out make-up - make-up that I was never allowed to wear because I was too young!
I had the typical stereo of the early 90's. It included a single disc CD player. I thought I was the coolest! More importantly than the CD player, it had a two deck tape player that had the ability to record. All of my favorite songs were recorded from the radio. Those were the days when the best mix tapes were made. It's funny to think that our children will think of cassette tapes the way that we think of records and 8-tracks. They will grow up in a world where all they know is iTunes and Pandora. They will never know the joy of capturing a song perfectly - without the DJ talking over the beginning or end of the song. Those were the days!
The pink walls of my room were decorated with the pictures of my celebrity crushes - Devin Sawa and JTT (Jonathan Taylor Thomas). It's so embarrassing to even admit that!
I had a TV in my room, but it was an old black and white computer monitor. There was no remote and I had to turn a dial to change the channel. I received the 4 basic TV stations and most days, showed more static channels than actual programs.
By today's standard's, my room was quaint. It wasn't decorated ornately nor did it have trendy furniture. I didn't need that though. The space was completely mine.
It was in that room that I chatted on the phone with friends for hours. My mom picking up in the middle of the conversation to tell me that she needed to use the phone. It was in that room that I found my love of music. It was in that room that I began to write. I wrote letters to my pen pal in Australia. I wrote in my diary. I wrote just to write. It was in that room that I grew up. Where the best memories were made. Where I started to become the person that I am today.
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Sorry for such a horrible picture and an unmade bed! It's the only one I could find...but I guess it serves its' purpose! My room, my place, my mess! |
And the best part is....she won't have to record her own music or share a home phone with the rest of the family. Oh how times have changed!

A Weekend to Remember
I love weekends! They are a chance to unwind, reset, accomplish tasks, to have fun and spend time with the ones you love. Some weekends are epic and this would be one of them!
We started off the weekend by sleeping in! Kenzie slept until 9, which was glorious. Brian and I both had a chance to get up and run, shower and be ready for McKenzie long before she made her first peep. We enjoyed breakfast and then spent the rest of the morning setting up McKenzie's new toddler bed! She was so excited and insisted on being in the mix to help! We kept telling her that this was her Big Girl Bed and she would giggle each time we said it.
By the time we finished putting it all together, it was nap time. I honestly thought we would have a fight on our hands, but she pointed to her bed, I put her in it and kissed her forehead and off to sleep she went. For all of the anxiety I had leading up to it, she did great!
After a nap, we went to the local circus. I was pleasantly surprised. I guess I expected a few juggling acts and clowns and a short performance. I was blown away! The show lasted an hour and a half and included acrobats, jugglers, clowns, dogs and camels! It was done really well and kept McKenzie's attention the entire time!
I am emotional on a good day, but it literally brought tears to my eyes to see how excited she was and how happy this made her. It's moments like these that make all of the tough Mom moments worthwhile.
After the show, we went grocery shopping for the week and McKenzie was an angel! We stopped home, unpacked the groceries and then headed over to a friend's for dinner. It was a great night for the adults and fun for the kids as well. There are three kids total ranging from 18 months to 15 months. Everyone had a blast!
Sunday morning was a lazy morning. Brian and I slept in until 8 and McKenzie slept in until 10! I couldn't even believe it! Brian and I cleaned and organized the house before McKenzie woke up. We went to brunch and had a great morning together.
During afternoon nap time, I had a chance to reorganize my upcoming blog posts, organize pictures and upload the new logos! I love the new look that the logos give the site! Now to just keep writing!
This evening, my sister, Kyle and my Mom stopped by so that we could celebrate my sister and Kyle's recent engagement! We had dinner together and celebrated with champagne and dessert from a local bakery! My sister is so excited! It's nice to see her so happy. I wish her and Kyle all the best as they choose to start their lives together.
It was quite a weekend to say the least with much to celebrate! Great family, big milestones, fun times with friends, memorable moments and exciting news to celebrate!
Here's hoping that having such an amazing weekend sets me up for an even more focused and incredible week!
We started off the weekend by sleeping in! Kenzie slept until 9, which was glorious. Brian and I both had a chance to get up and run, shower and be ready for McKenzie long before she made her first peep. We enjoyed breakfast and then spent the rest of the morning setting up McKenzie's new toddler bed! She was so excited and insisted on being in the mix to help! We kept telling her that this was her Big Girl Bed and she would giggle each time we said it.
By the time we finished putting it all together, it was nap time. I honestly thought we would have a fight on our hands, but she pointed to her bed, I put her in it and kissed her forehead and off to sleep she went. For all of the anxiety I had leading up to it, she did great!
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So excited for her Big Girl Bed! |
I am emotional on a good day, but it literally brought tears to my eyes to see how excited she was and how happy this made her. It's moments like these that make all of the tough Mom moments worthwhile.
After the show, we went grocery shopping for the week and McKenzie was an angel! We stopped home, unpacked the groceries and then headed over to a friend's for dinner. It was a great night for the adults and fun for the kids as well. There are three kids total ranging from 18 months to 15 months. Everyone had a blast!
Sunday morning was a lazy morning. Brian and I slept in until 8 and McKenzie slept in until 10! I couldn't even believe it! Brian and I cleaned and organized the house before McKenzie woke up. We went to brunch and had a great morning together.
During afternoon nap time, I had a chance to reorganize my upcoming blog posts, organize pictures and upload the new logos! I love the new look that the logos give the site! Now to just keep writing!
This evening, my sister, Kyle and my Mom stopped by so that we could celebrate my sister and Kyle's recent engagement! We had dinner together and celebrated with champagne and dessert from a local bakery! My sister is so excited! It's nice to see her so happy. I wish her and Kyle all the best as they choose to start their lives together.
It was quite a weekend to say the least with much to celebrate! Great family, big milestones, fun times with friends, memorable moments and exciting news to celebrate!
Here's hoping that having such an amazing weekend sets me up for an even more focused and incredible week!

pure happiness,
5 on Friday - September Edition Week 1
One.I'm currently working on a new logo and design for the website. I know I just started this blog, so why change it already, but I'm not 100% sure it's what I want. I'm hopeful that my new logo and design will make me love it even more!
Two.If you don't know about The Skimm, you're missing out! The Skimm is a daily newsletter that simplifies the headlines for the educated professional who knows enough to know she needs more. They do the reading for you and explain it with fresh editorial content, breaking down what you need to know to start the conversation. I learned about this through a fellow blogger and have greatly enjoyed reading my daily email from The Skimm. It gives a summary of the latest current events, so even as a busy Mom who rarely has time to watch the news, you can remain up-to-date on current events! Check them out!
Three.We're taking McKenzie to a local circus that is in town this weekend. It's not going to be the big show and spectacle of Ringling Brother's, but I'm excited to go nonetheless. It will give us an opportunity to get out of the house with her and do something fun! Pictures to follow!
I'm so excited that a friend of mine asked me for ideas for her twin's 1st Birthday Party! We have been plotting for the past few days! I can't wait to see how cute this party turns out!
Five.Work = crazy. I work at a hospital who received MAGNET designation. Our MAGNET re-certification is next week and the Joint Commission visits the following. I have been in over-drive trying to get things ready!
Two.If you don't know about The Skimm, you're missing out! The Skimm is a daily newsletter that simplifies the headlines for the educated professional who knows enough to know she needs more. They do the reading for you and explain it with fresh editorial content, breaking down what you need to know to start the conversation. I learned about this through a fellow blogger and have greatly enjoyed reading my daily email from The Skimm. It gives a summary of the latest current events, so even as a busy Mom who rarely has time to watch the news, you can remain up-to-date on current events! Check them out!
Three.We're taking McKenzie to a local circus that is in town this weekend. It's not going to be the big show and spectacle of Ringling Brother's, but I'm excited to go nonetheless. It will give us an opportunity to get out of the house with her and do something fun! Pictures to follow!
I love planning parties! I especially love the small details of a party. Even the smallest of parties can feel large scale, just by adding a few personalized touches. If I had an opportunity to have my dream job, I would start my own event planning business. I had such a blast planning McKenzie's first birthday! Her theme was Pink Lemonade! I will be doing a whole post to detail it soon, but here's a sneak peek of how cute it turned out! People laughed at me because I put some much time and effort in to something that she won't remember. I will always remember it though and she will always have the pictures. The day couldn't have been any more perfect!
I'm so excited that a friend of mine asked me for ideas for her twin's 1st Birthday Party! We have been plotting for the past few days! I can't wait to see how cute this party turns out!
Five.Work = crazy. I work at a hospital who received MAGNET designation. Our MAGNET re-certification is next week and the Joint Commission visits the following. I have been in over-drive trying to get things ready!
Enjoy your weekend!
Live in the Moment
Each night, I spend my evenings following the same routine. It's important to a toddler. We eat dinner and clean-up, then play with Kenzie. Around 7, we start the bedtime routine, which includes a bath, some reading and then bed. Before Kenzie goes to bed each night, we turn down the lights. I hold her and rock her. Most nights, she doesn't fall asleep. Often we spend the time looking at each other. It's our quiet time. It allows us to connect, to settle down and to spend some quality time together. I stare at her in awe of how quickly she's growing and how much bigger she seems each night. I pray to God and thank Him for giving us a beautiful healthy baby. I pray that he blesses us and guides us to be better parents. Then my mind wanders and I begin to think. I think about how lucky I am. Lucky to have an incredibly supportive husband, a loving marriage, a great job that enables us to have a beautiful house and food on the table and and a life that I am thankful to live. It's during these quiet times that it dawns on me. During the craziness of the day, I often forget to live in the moment.
You see, I'm a planner by nature, so I'm always planning 10 steps ahead. What's the next phase for McKenzie, what should she be doing, what will she be doing by 18 months, when do we switch her to a toddler bed, should we put the house on the market, when we get a new house what color should I paint it, what career choices should I make, and when will our family become a family of four? As you can see, a million things run through my mind throughout the day. Maybe it's the nature of being a Mom, but I'm sure more of it is my Type A personality.
It's during those quiet times each night that I find myself thinking. Thinking that I should be happy with where I am. To live in the moment. To be happy with where we are right now. To stop wishing for the next stage, for the next house, for the next job. I cherish these quiet moments with McKenzie. It causes me to slow down. To sit quietly, to think and to reflect.
It's at that moment that I realize I am exactly where I should be. In this house, with my baby in my arms, and my husband in the next room. It doesn't matter what degrees I have or what job I hold. It doesn't matter that we live 45 minutes away from our families or that we have an incredibly long commute to work. What matters is that we have a life that is perfect for us. Each night, I make a conscious decision to live in the moment, to stop thinking, to stop worrying, and to start enjoying the life we have right now and to give thanks for it all.
You see, I'm a planner by nature, so I'm always planning 10 steps ahead. What's the next phase for McKenzie, what should she be doing, what will she be doing by 18 months, when do we switch her to a toddler bed, should we put the house on the market, when we get a new house what color should I paint it, what career choices should I make, and when will our family become a family of four? As you can see, a million things run through my mind throughout the day. Maybe it's the nature of being a Mom, but I'm sure more of it is my Type A personality.
It's during those quiet times each night that I find myself thinking. Thinking that I should be happy with where I am. To live in the moment. To be happy with where we are right now. To stop wishing for the next stage, for the next house, for the next job. I cherish these quiet moments with McKenzie. It causes me to slow down. To sit quietly, to think and to reflect.
It's at that moment that I realize I am exactly where I should be. In this house, with my baby in my arms, and my husband in the next room. It doesn't matter what degrees I have or what job I hold. It doesn't matter that we live 45 minutes away from our families or that we have an incredibly long commute to work. What matters is that we have a life that is perfect for us. Each night, I make a conscious decision to live in the moment, to stop thinking, to stop worrying, and to start enjoying the life we have right now and to give thanks for it all.
What Being A Mom Looks Like | 52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose
I originally thought that this post would be an easy one to write! I had a ton of ideas running through my mind, yet every time I have tried to write this post, I couldn't seem to get the words right. How do you put into words what being a Mom look like? It's the hardest, yet most rewarding things I've ever done. It is constantly evolving and I am always trying to better myself as a person and as a mother.
Being a Mom can sometimes look...
Stressed: Being a Mom comes with tremendous responsibility and worry. You constantly think through your every move when it comes to your child and when you think you've made a decision, you second guess yourself again. It's a vicious cycle. If you're not worried about whether they weigh enough, are tall enough or if they are meeting milestones, you are worried about how many times they've pooped for the day (is it too often or not often enough?), if they're eating healthy enough, or if you are being the best parent that you can be. It's a constant yes, sometimes I looked stressed.
Messy: Sometimes as a Mom I look messy. Some days, it's because there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. Some days, a pony tail and little to no make up become my wardrobe. Even on the days that I put effort in to getting ready and looking nice, it never takes long to get messy. From a random sneeze, to messy hands, to the face wiped on my shirt - even on my best days, I still feel messy! Let's not even talk about how messy the house can seem now that someone scatters toys from one end of the house to the other.
Frustrated: Whether it's because of the screaming that ensues from our 40 minute ride home (I repeat - 40 minutes of screaming!) or because plans always seem to change, sometimes being a Mom means looking frustrated. Although I willingly put my family first and their needs ahead of mine, it doesn't mean that it's not frustrating at times. There are jobs that I would love to have, but refuse to take because of the hours or the time I would spend away from my family. There are appointments that are missed because my little one needs me more. The dream job, the night's out or the hair color and cut will have to wait until another day...but that doesn't mean I don't feel frustrated.
But even with all of the dressed down, second guessing, frustrating days, more often than not, I look...
In Love: This may be the one constant out of all of them. Being a Mom means being so in love! Just when I thought that our little family was perfect with just Brian and I, I can't imagine my life without McKenzie in it. It now feels complete and whole. I often look at her and stare in awe of the little person that Brian and I have created. I could hold her and kiss her cheeks for hours. My heart could literally explode with the love that I feel for her.
Proud: Being a Mom means being proud...always...for the tiniest of things. Of course we are proud when she does something new or accomplishes something great, but we're always proud. From learning how toys work, to new words, to climbing the stairs, I'm proud. It's the little things though as well. I'm proud of her when she understands the way life works - like when I take away her new Magna Doodle to clear the screen for her and she understands that I'm not taking it away for good, but rather to assist her. It's not a huge step, but I'm proud nonetheless. It's a moment that tells me that she's growing, and maturing, and understanding the world around her a little better each day.
Exhilarated: Watching McKenzie grow and become her own little person is exhilarating. It makes all of the challenging moments seem worthwhile. It's an instant boost to your Mom you're actually doing something right. Being a Mom makes the world seem a little better. Seeing the world through McKenzie's eyes gives me a deeper sense of purpose and place in this crazy world we live in!
Grateful: By far, I consider McKenzie to be my greatest accomplishment to date. I am thankful to have been given a beautiful healthy daughter and that God has blessed me with the responsibility of being her Mom. Regardless of what being a Mom looks like, I am always thankful and happy that I can call myself, McKenzie's Mom. Even on the toughest of days, I wouldn't change it for the world!
Happy: The happiness I feel is intense. I smile more and laugh more as a Mom. With McKenzie, I am in my element. I swear McKenzie and I have a secret bond. I can just look at her and she laughs. Then I laugh and the harder I laugh, the harder she laughs. It's the most adorable thing in the world. Some days, I can make a silly sound and she'll go crazy. If Brian makes the same sound, she just stares at him. It's just not as funny. It breaks his heart that she makes him work so hard for things, but it's also kind of cute. Cute that her and I have this secret thing...that we can laugh for no reason at all...and that...makes me so happy!
Being a Mom ultimately means being all of the above and then some! I may be one or all of these at once. It's a toss-up, but that's what makes motherhood such an adventure and a challenge. I am looking forward to everything else motherhood has in store for me.
Being a Mom can sometimes look...
Stressed: Being a Mom comes with tremendous responsibility and worry. You constantly think through your every move when it comes to your child and when you think you've made a decision, you second guess yourself again. It's a vicious cycle. If you're not worried about whether they weigh enough, are tall enough or if they are meeting milestones, you are worried about how many times they've pooped for the day (is it too often or not often enough?), if they're eating healthy enough, or if you are being the best parent that you can be. It's a constant yes, sometimes I looked stressed.
Messy: Sometimes as a Mom I look messy. Some days, it's because there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. Some days, a pony tail and little to no make up become my wardrobe. Even on the days that I put effort in to getting ready and looking nice, it never takes long to get messy. From a random sneeze, to messy hands, to the face wiped on my shirt - even on my best days, I still feel messy! Let's not even talk about how messy the house can seem now that someone scatters toys from one end of the house to the other.
Frustrated: Whether it's because of the screaming that ensues from our 40 minute ride home (I repeat - 40 minutes of screaming!) or because plans always seem to change, sometimes being a Mom means looking frustrated. Although I willingly put my family first and their needs ahead of mine, it doesn't mean that it's not frustrating at times. There are jobs that I would love to have, but refuse to take because of the hours or the time I would spend away from my family. There are appointments that are missed because my little one needs me more. The dream job, the night's out or the hair color and cut will have to wait until another day...but that doesn't mean I don't feel frustrated.
But even with all of the dressed down, second guessing, frustrating days, more often than not, I look...
In Love: This may be the one constant out of all of them. Being a Mom means being so in love! Just when I thought that our little family was perfect with just Brian and I, I can't imagine my life without McKenzie in it. It now feels complete and whole. I often look at her and stare in awe of the little person that Brian and I have created. I could hold her and kiss her cheeks for hours. My heart could literally explode with the love that I feel for her.
Proud: Being a Mom means being proud...always...for the tiniest of things. Of course we are proud when she does something new or accomplishes something great, but we're always proud. From learning how toys work, to new words, to climbing the stairs, I'm proud. It's the little things though as well. I'm proud of her when she understands the way life works - like when I take away her new Magna Doodle to clear the screen for her and she understands that I'm not taking it away for good, but rather to assist her. It's not a huge step, but I'm proud nonetheless. It's a moment that tells me that she's growing, and maturing, and understanding the world around her a little better each day.
Exhilarated: Watching McKenzie grow and become her own little person is exhilarating. It makes all of the challenging moments seem worthwhile. It's an instant boost to your Mom you're actually doing something right. Being a Mom makes the world seem a little better. Seeing the world through McKenzie's eyes gives me a deeper sense of purpose and place in this crazy world we live in!
Grateful: By far, I consider McKenzie to be my greatest accomplishment to date. I am thankful to have been given a beautiful healthy daughter and that God has blessed me with the responsibility of being her Mom. Regardless of what being a Mom looks like, I am always thankful and happy that I can call myself, McKenzie's Mom. Even on the toughest of days, I wouldn't change it for the world!
Happy: The happiness I feel is intense. I smile more and laugh more as a Mom. With McKenzie, I am in my element. I swear McKenzie and I have a secret bond. I can just look at her and she laughs. Then I laugh and the harder I laugh, the harder she laughs. It's the most adorable thing in the world. Some days, I can make a silly sound and she'll go crazy. If Brian makes the same sound, she just stares at him. It's just not as funny. It breaks his heart that she makes him work so hard for things, but it's also kind of cute. Cute that her and I have this secret thing...that we can laugh for no reason at all...and that...makes me so happy!
Being a Mom ultimately means being all of the above and then some! I may be one or all of these at once. It's a toss-up, but that's what makes motherhood such an adventure and a challenge. I am looking forward to everything else motherhood has in store for me.
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