17 months old! Where has the time gone? It's hard for this Mama to even imagine. You change each day! There's always something new you're doing to keep us on our toes. Here's a little re-cap for us to look back on and remember!
What's Happening:
CousinYou officially have a cousin! Aunt Erin and Uncle Brian delivered a healthy baby boy and we are over the moon excited for them! You got to meet Nathan last Saturday and loved him. You gave lots of kisses and kept saying. "Baby!". You will be a great big sister one day!
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So Sweet. P.S. You were playing dress up, so you had a tutu on! Nice outfit choice! |
MimickingSpeaking of mimicking, you copy everything we do. In the past month, Dad and I have become even more aware of not only what we say, but what we do around you! You are watching us and learning, even when we don't realize it! The video below is just one of the moments that Dad and I caught of you copying us. You were being grumpy in the back seat on a drive home, so we gave you the I-Pod with you favorite Fisher Price learning games on it. Dad and I continued with our conversation, but could hear you talking in the back seat. When we stopped talking and turned around to look at you, this is what we saw... My favorite part is where you hold the I-pod out in front of you as if you are wondering why no one is talking back!
EatingYou are still a picky eater. We normally get one great meal out of you each day. Other than that, you just snack and nibble throughout. You seem to always be eating something though, just not always at the specified meal times. I'm hoping this will get better with age!
You are a climbing machine! You will use anything and anyone to climb up on the sofa! You've pulled toys over, your Pottery Barn Chair, used Dad's legs quite a few times and even the dogs (although we stop you from that!) A few times, you've even gotten up there by yourself...I think you are hooking your foot in the cushion. Hilarious!
Bed Time RoutineYou're bedtime routine has changed a bit. You no longer let me hold you while we say our good night prayers. You happily climb into bed on your own, point to the blanket and request to be covered up. Then we hold hands and say prayers while I kneel next to your bed. It's our favorite time of the day! I'm sure Dad's excited too! You would only ever let me be in the room when we put you to bed, but you've started allowing him to join in as well. It's one of my favorite times of the day now. Thanking God for everything we have, for our families and friends, and asking him to watch over all of us. Love it!
MoviesLast Friday night was a cold and rainy night. Dad was working, so it was just you and me. I decided that we would watch Cinderella! I put the DVD in and you instantly squealed when you saw the Disney castle on the opening credits. You sat in your Pottery Barn chair, covered up with your blanket and stuffed animal, Ellie! You watched the movie for a little, but then moved on to playing, while watching. The whole time, you loved it though! You would point out Lucifer, the cat, and laughed from your toes when I called you Gus Gus! I look forward to more cuddly evenings with you!
McKenzie, life just keeps getting better. There are still days that are far from fun, but even on those days - I am thankful for a healthy little girl who is able to throw such fits! From working in a hospital, I know that not everyone is as lucky!
Continue to grow, but not so fast!
I love you through and through. Yesterday, today and tomorrow too.
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