
Tinsel - Our Elf

I debated long and hard as to whether or not we wanted to start the Elf on the Shelf tradition with McKenzie this year.  To me, she seemed too young to grasp the concept of a magical elf reporting back to Santa each night.

Then Halloween came.  We don't have many Halloween decorations, but I thought it was important to be festive and put some out.  I made a mental note to buy more decorations for next year.

Since we didn't have that many decorations, they are stored in a bin with the other various holiday decorations - Valentine's Day and Easter.  As we were decorating, McKenzie found the bin - along with the ceramic white bunny.  That bunny became her best friend.  She brought us each to the spare bedroom to show us the bunny and would say, "Shh..bunny sleeping."  It was hilarious!

Being the slackers that we are, the bin never made its way back to the attic.  It remained in our spare bedroom until the end of October.  Each morning, McKenzie would run from her bedroom to see the bunny.  She loved it!  The bunny became our best friend, as well.  It became the ultimate distraction technique.  Need to sneak out of the house in the morning to leave for work? Kenzie and Dad would go on a hunt to find the bunny.  She would bring her Cheerios to bait the bunny and feed it breakfast.  So cute!  Temper tantrum that just wouldn't end?  "Shh....the bunny's sleeping" would stop her in her tracks every time.

That's when Brian and I decided that the elf was well worth it this year!  Even if she doesn't understand the full magic of the elf, she loves searching for him each day and will circle back to wave to him and offer him snacks throughout the day.   We've been very aware of where we place the elf, as to not tempt her too much, but she has been surprisingly good about not touching him!

So with love, we welcomed Tinsel into our lives.  He joined our family the day after we set-up our tree - November 24th.  Brian was hesitant at first to start this so early, but then he realized that I may be more excited for the Elf than McKenzie.

There were in-depth conversations over whether or not we should have a boy elf or a girl elf.  Brian laughed hysterically at me when I told him that we had to get a boy elf.  In my mind, elves are boys and (I know...this next comment is going to sound so bad....) boy elves take behaving much more serious than girl elves.  Girl elves tend to give second chances and reminders.  Boy elves are going to present the straight facts to Santa!  See why he was laughing?!  It's just how my mind works!

Once we decided on a boy elf, then came lengthy debates over his name.  We liked Jingle and Chip (short for chocolate chip), but ultimately wanted something that we thought McKenzie would say.  We chose Tinsel.  The name also pays direct homage to the grandmother's - one who dislikes Tinsel and never allowed it growing up (my mom!) and the other who is the sole reason that Tinsel companies are still in business (Brian's Mom).

Needless to say, we love the name and love even more when McKenzie yells  - Tin-Sell each morning as she runs to search for him.

We've had some fun with this!  Below are some of Tinsel's favorite hiding spots!  As an aside: It's our first year, so we're excited.  Don't hate because we planned out a calendar full of ideas a month in advance.  There were still nights we forgot to move Tinsel, but all in all, it's been fun!


  1. Those are great shots of Tinsel! I think I can get away with not doing it this year, but I'm thinking next year Cayden will get it. However, I don't need anything to "help" him get up any earlier in the mornings, ha!

  2. This is great! We didn't do the elf this year because I thought Callie would be too young but she acts the same way with her lovey (a bunny) and in hind sight probably would've had fun with the elf. Next year it is!! I love the elf in the blender bottle the best! Hilarious! :)

  3. I love how you did the Elf on the Shelf! I've never much understood the appeal myself, but how you described it totally makes sense. Needless to say we did no have an Elf this year, but I don't think Aria would have cared two straws. Maybe next year! You thought up such cute displays!

  4. Hey there! So good to hear from you! I just thought...I wonder how Christene is doing with those two adorable babes the other day! I hope you and your family had a great Christmas!

    Cayden will def get the Elf next year! It was so much fun!

    Good to hear from you!

  5. Haha thanks! Callie will love it next year! It was fun to hunt for Tinsel with her each morning!

    Hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas!

  6. Thanks so much! Brian was on the fence with it at first, but def got more in to it as each day passed! He was the mastermind behind some of them ore creative ones!

    I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas!
