As I started researching and looking for alternatives, I've heard that blogger allows for more customization. I've also been looking for a new blog design and many of the designers that I'm finding will only design and install on Blogger sites. I've found a designer that I love, Megan from Yammering Yankee, and she's almost convinced me to switch!
That's why I'm coming to you for help! Do you have any opinions on which is better? Anyone make the switch? Did you lose followers? How did you alert them that your site was moving to a different URL?
Any help or feedback that you could give would be great! I'm almost 99% sure that I'm going to make the switch, but am just terrified to make the leap!
Help a blogger out and let me know your thoughts!
Thanks so much in advance!
I would switch. I am a blogger user and I find Wordpress very frustrating to follow. it's hard to get into blog lovin, harder to comment (so I comment less) and in general is not a user friendly blog template. Hubby Jack also does blogger designs and is running a December special for a full design for $50 or $55. I designed my blog myself but I am tempted to let him take it to that next level professionally. anyway I say go for it!
ReplyDeleteI use blogger and I personally find it easier to design my blog. I recommend switching as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback! Again, if you've read my posts, you know me with change! It's not easy, but I'll take the leap!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I'm going to have a ton of questions! I'm going to make the leap though!
ReplyDeleteI have been really happy with Blogger. I designed my site myself, and I actually had no idea how much I would love the design aspect of it. Premade designs are great, but I love that I have a site that I put together myself and its exactly what I want :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback! The switch is definitely happening...maybe in the New Year?! New blog?! Seems perfect! Have a great weekend!