
Dear Life... Letters from a Tired Mama

Today, I am choosing to write letters of "concern" to the areas of my life in which I am struggling. Think of it as the angry holiday shopper, who is being rude to the store employee's, demanding something or other at customer service and who is voicing their concern...loud and clear!  Yep...that's me! That's where I am!


Dear Daylight Savings,
Give me my baby back!  I can't solely blame it on you, but I will.  Ever since you appeared, McKenzie fails to sleep past 5:45 a.m.  We've been uber productive recently, but that's because we're up, fed,  and dressed all before 7.  Give me back my baby that used to sleep until 8:30/9.

Dear Sleep Regression,
I want my baby back as well!  You know...the one who used to sleep soundly throughout the night. This tired Mom needs a break.  I need the baby that would sleep 12 plus hours.  Not the one who now finds it fun to wake up any time between 1 and 3 each night to check in on me. The toddler that likes to be rocked, but refuses to fall back to sleep until 4:30, when my alarm goes off at 5.  At that point, if I'm lucky, I can get dressed in peace.  Most mornings, I have a sidekick. Drying and styling your hair with one hand (because someone needs to be held) is a fine art.   I'm begging, let my toddler sleep!

Dear Molars,
I believe you are breaking through.  I also believe that you are working hand-in-hand with Daylight Savings and Sleep Regression.  It's not nice to gang up on people.  I don't have solid proof of your arrival, (because checking could mean possibly having one less finger - due to a crazy toddler chomping down) yet I believe that you are here.  You, my friend, are a part of her moodiness and sleepless nights.  Just show up already so we can be done with this whole teething thing.  It seems as though you are also friends with Karma...because we basically survived all other teething sessions without incident yet somehow you want to really drive the point home with this one.

Dear Tantrum Throwing 19-Month Old,
Mommy loves you so much, but I've had enough.  I'm so thankful that you are a healthy and independent little person.  I love that you have found your voice, but the constant screams of "Stop!" and the screaming every time you don't get your way has to stop.  You've made your point.  You're mad.  I get it.  I still doesn't change the fact that you have to get in to the car seat to get home.  Now let's move on, so we can end our day - at home and preferably happy!

Dear Husband,
Thank you for sharing the duties with me and getting up with McKenzie in the middle of the night.  You're probably doing this more for your own safety, because you'd truly have a crazy person to live with if not...but nonetheless, I'm thankful.

And in the true spirit of the holiday season...

Dear God,
Thank you for giving me McKenzie.  I'll take the sleep deprived nights, the tantrums and the fits, because that means that I am blessed.  Please give me the strength and patience, and maybe even a few more hours (or minutes) of sleep each night.  Amen.


  1. What a great idea! Bet it helped you relieve some stress too :) I totally get where you're coming from, too.

  2. All of this. Exactly. :) Hang in there mama!

  3. Great post. I sure would like a good sleeping non-tantrum-throwing toddler too. That's on my wishlist to Santa. Hang in there.

  4. Awe I LOVE this! Especially the last bit! Thanks for joining the mom lovin hop last week! You're my pick this week for the featured momma.

    Following you on Blog Lovin and Instagram! Hope to see you back in a couple days!

    XO/Lena @ Root&Blossom

  5. […] saw this over at Heartbeats and Little Feet, and thought it was a great idea to unleash some pent up frustration on the things in life that […]

  6. It completely did! So glad you loved the idea!

  7. Haha. It must be the full moon and all toddler's. I'm seeing a reoccurring theme!

  8. I just fired one out on mine! It was kind of relieving ;)

  9. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one! I read your post last night and giggled because we're all going through it! Thank goodness for blogs to vent!
