Happy Friday! We made it! It's time for the weekly edition of 5 on Friday! Link-up and join in the fun!
This weekend, I am so excited that we have absolutely nothing major planned! Prior to October, we have had an event every weekend! Add in the craziness of the holiday season and this Mama is tired! We can do what we want to do and have no real obligations! Thank goodness!
Last weekend, Brian and I were both in a wedding in New Jersey. I can't wait for some of the pictures to be finalized, because I can't wait to show you. It was one of the nicest weddings that I've ever been to...and probably will ever go to! To give you some idea, Torrey Smith (wide receiver for the Baltimore Ravens) had his wedding there over the summer. I can't even begin to describe it. The pictures will tell all! Stay tuned!
I received the Whitney English Day Designer for Christmas and I am loving it! So does someone else apparently!
I'm such a planner though and feeling like we need a way to organize the items for our home! I'm really loving the Emily Ley Simplified Life Binder.
I can see Brian rolling his eye's now...like how many binders do we really need! It's an illness, I'll admit it! Yet, if something ever happened to me, he would be able to pick up right where I left off...and I'm sure he'd be thankful for that! It's a purchase that's happening in the very near future!
McKenzie started a new class - gymnastics! We've done the MyGym routine before, but wanted to try something different. Tuesday night was her second session and was much better than the first. She completely didn't want to cooperate the first time! Circle time - no way! Following directions? It was as if we were speaking a different language!
This week it was like she was a different child! She engaged, tried new things and followed directions perfectly! What a toddler!
This class is a little chaotic, but fun. They're learning basic skills - such as tumblesaults, balance and going under and over obstacles. It goes until the end of March so I can't wait to see how much more she learns! Plus, we're taking it with friends - twins, which makes it that much better!
This week it was like she was a different child! She engaged, tried new things and followed directions perfectly! What a toddler!
This class is a little chaotic, but fun. They're learning basic skills - such as tumblesaults, balance and going under and over obstacles. It goes until the end of March so I can't wait to see how much more she learns! Plus, we're taking it with friends - twins, which makes it that much better!
I am not a huge reader - other than blogs obviously - but I am feeling that need to read! I just want to unwind every night with a little reading. This ultimately means it will take me months to read a book, because I fall asleep after a few short minutes! I've heard great things about The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and have just downloaded it to start tonight! Have any of you read this yet?
What are some other great read's?

yay for gymnastics! Our class was full so I have to wait for next session but it's only a month!
ReplyDeleteI am also trying to get back to reading more. my goal is to read 6 non parenting books this year. Seems doable right?!
I hope you had the best weekend!
ReplyDeleteI seriously need to get one of these planners! Since becoming a mom I've had a hard time organizing every aspect of my life (which is probably impossible) but I feel like a planner would help so much!
Oh my gosh, little gymnastics?! ADORABLE!!