It's 8:51 on New Year's Eve and I'm sitting here with two of the three dogs curled up next to me. McKenzie is asleep (and went down without a fight!) and Brian is at work with Kilo. They should be home by 10, so my night will end perfectly - with my love by my side.
I sit here as the last few hours of 2013 wind down. While most are preparing to head out to dinner parties and a night of drinking, I sit here alone. I'm alone, yet my heart is happy. 2013 has blessed us immensely.
Today highlights exactly just how blessed we are...
- I woke up this morning. I was healthy and alive. I had no aches and pains. I wasn't plagued with disease.
- I woke up early to get ready for work. I have a job. I can provide for my family. I am thankful.
- I drove to work. I have a reliable form of transportation me to places safely.
- I was able to leave work early to come home to be with McKenzie. I have an employer who understands that importance of family and allows me to be flexible.
- I came home to relieve Brian. He headed to work and I got to be with McKenzie. A double blessing. Brian is employed and provides for our family and I have a healthy daughter who squealed with excitement when she heard the garage door and realized that I was home.
- We spent the afternoon running errands to plan for the perfect evening together. Although we're not going out, we know how to make our own fun. We are able to afford to do fun things.
- I spent the evening creating a fun evening for McKenzie and I. A night that included dinner at her new Ikea table and chairs in the living room. Chinese carry-out for dinner. Sparkling grape juice. New Year's hats and noise makers. Simple cups that we decorated together to toast the evening and a New Year together.
- I've got a healthy toddler who ate two helpings of chicken fried rice and spent the entire dinner raising her glass and saying cheers! Be still my heart!
- We've got friends and family that we've talked to and exchanged texts with. We are loved.
- I've got a toddler who went to bed without a fit. A toddler who chose a prayer book to read before bed tonight. This literally made me tear up. Although not a conscious choice, it was a perfect book to read tonight. To give thanks for what a great year it's been.
- I've got a moment to myself. Although sometimes few and far between, they are cherished. It makes me a better person and a better mom.
- I've got a husband who will be home to me in an hour. He is the love of my life, soul mate and partner in crime. I'm blessed beyond words to be sharing this life with him.
- We've got the evening to spend together. With unhealthy snacks (that will all change tomorrow!) and champagne to toast at midnight.
- We've got tomorrow off to spend together with family. What a perfect way to start the new year!'ve been amazing! Thank you for all of your blessings.
Happy New Year's Eve!