
The Thankful Project: Day 10 - A Memory

thankful project title
I’m linking up with Kenzie over at Chasing Happy for the month of November.
Be sure to stop by and check it out!
There are so many memories that I am thankful for.  I ultimately struggled to narrow it to one.  The one memory that is probably the most recent and ingrained in my mind for obvious reasons is the birth of McKenzie.  For those of you who know me, know that I am a planner.  Just when I thought that everything was going as planned – with a scheduled induction – McKenzie had plans of her own.

I wrote McKenzie a letter shortly after she was born.  I wanted to remember the details of her delivery.  I didn’t want to have to recall it years from now, when they memory became foggy.  I wanted her to know about it.  Not necessarily now or in the coming years, but when she is having children of her own and wants to know what my experience was like.  I wanted her to know.  Here is a part of the letter.  Here is a memory that I am thankful for.
“You decided to make your appearance on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 8:17 p.m.  Just 2 weeks prior, we thought you would be in our life.  We had a false alarm on Cinco de Mayo and were sent home, after being admitted to and spending 12 hours in the hospital.  You just wanted to tease use! 
After meeting with the doctor after our hospital visit, she decided that she would induce us on Wednesday, May 16, 2012.  We were set to go to the hospital at 6 a.m. that morning to be induced and finally meet you. I had planned on working Monday, having a date night with Dad Monday night, and then having a “me” day on Tuesday – with pedicures and shopping included.  Well, after working all day Monday, I came home.   As we were about to leave to head to our favorite restaurant in Delaware for our dinner date, I started having contractions.  They were strong and uncomfortable and kept getting stronger. As we were driving, I asked Dad if we could skip dinner and head home, because I was feeling that bad.  He asked what I wanted for dinner and I said that I would just eat crackers at home and that he should get something to eat.  After ordering a sub and waiting for 10 minutes to get the sub, my contractions were even stronger.  Dad asked if I wanted to go to the hospital and I responded – yes!!!!  You were set to be delivered at Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) in Baltimore, MD, which is located about 45 minutes away from where we live.  At this point, it was the peak of rush hour and it was raining, so Dad advised that it was going to take us a little longer to get there.  I told him that we should go to the local hospital, because I was feeling that bad! 
We headed to our local hospital.  Dad dropped Mom off at the front door of the Emergency Room while he parked the car.  I checked in and they took me right to the Labor and Delivery Triage area.  As I was changing into a hospital gown in the rest room, I heard the nurse ask your Dad if this was our first.  He said yes and she informed him that we would have had plenty of time to make it to Baltimore, because first time deliveries typically take a long time!  Boy was she wrong! 
After I changed into a gown, the nurse checked my progress and I was 8 cm already!  I was almost ready to start pushing and to meet you!  I was in so much pain and wanted an epidural badly, but because I was so far along already, I was unable to have any medication of any kind!  It wasn’t what I planned (and as you know by now – I’m a planner!) and it made me very anxious.  The pain was getting so bad!
Since I was so far along, they rushed Dad and I from triage to a Labor and Delivery Room.  By the time we got to the room, it was about 7:00 p.m.  The nurses got Mom settled and put an IV in me.  Then the doctor (who Mom had never even met before!) came in to introduce himself to me.  He did an exam and I was almost 10 cm!  My water still had not broken, so he broke it for me.  It was painless, but let me tell you – as soon as that happened, I felt the need to push.  This was about 7:30 p.m. and the nurses advised that they wanted me to wait a little longer before pushing.  They said they would check in on me at 7:45 to see if it was time.  This was the longest 15 minutes of my life!  I had no medication to take the edge off!  I was loud and Dad said I screamed – but I’m okay with that! 
The nurses arrived back in the room at 7:45 to check me and told me that I was ready to push.  I pushed from 7:45 to 8:17 p.m. when you made your appearance in the world.  It was not as bad as I had expected – especially since the end product was you! 
As soon as you were born, they placed you on my chest and Dad and I took you in!  You were so perfect and everything that Dad and I had hoped for!  You weighed in at 6 lbs. 9 oz. and 19.5 inches long!  Both Dad and I were 8 lbs. 9 oz., so we assumed we would have a bigger baby!  Instead, we had this perfect little peanut, whom amazed us from the second she was born!"
This is the memory I am thankful for.  This was my first lesson in motherhood - that no matter how prepared you are you never know what to expect; that as a Mom, you have to roll with the punches and adapt quickly.  I am thankful for this lesson and the little person that we brought in to this world!


1 comment:

  1. […] The Thankful Project: Day 10 – A Memory (heartbeatsandlittlefeet.wordpress.com) […]
