I’m linking up with Kenzie over at Chasing Happy for the month of November.
Be sure to stop by and check it out!
I'm going to pause and be real here for a moment. For years prior to wanting children, I would often find myself praying that I wasn't pregnant. The timing wasn't right, our life wasn't where I wanted it to be and we just weren't ready. Then something changes. You decide you are ready to start a family and then you find yourself praying that you are able to conceive. You worry that you won't be able to. You drive yourself crazy!
And then it happens! God blesses you with the gift a child. You find out you are pregnant and life instantly changes. From the first nauseous feeling to the kicks, heartburn, sleepless nights and being downright uncomfortable, you are a Mom.
Then the most perfect little girl is born. Your world changes for the better. You experience a love like you've never experienced before.
I am thankful beyond words for the opportunity to be a Mom. To lead my daughter by teaching her - through words and actions. To watch her grow. To support her through life. To be tough when necessary, yet always her friend.
I know that our relationship will evolve over the years. There will come a time where we are not friends at all. Yet I know, there will come a day that she will need me. When she becomes a Mom herself and realizes that every single action was done from a place of love and worry.
I also know that one day I will grow old and need her. Life will come full circle.
I pray every day that I am succeeding as a Mom. That I teach her what she needs to know, that I spend enough time with her, that I focus on her, that I don't lose my temper and that I have more patience.
It's easy for us Mom's to lose sight of how much we do right in our day. It's easy for us to focus on what we've done wrong. I'm sure many of you have seen this already, but for those who haven't...watch it. It's a good reminder that even when we are judging our successes and failures as Mom's, that in our children's eyes...we're doing alright!
A New Perspective For Moms from Elevation Church on Vimeo.
I thank God every day for the opportunity to be this little girl's Mom. There truly aren't even words to describe it.
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