Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
For those of you that stuck with me throughout these past 28 days, thank you! I know some of the posts were more serious than others, but I hope that you enjoyed taking the journey with me. I’m thankful that I stuck with it. Some of the prompts encouraged me to write outside of my comfort zone and for that I’m thankful. This series has allowed me to express myself and make new friends along the way. For that I’m grateful!
You’ve heard what I’m thankful for during the past 28 days, yet there’s even more I’m thankful for. Today, among all of the other blessings in my life, I’m thankful for this space. Something that I started a few months ago as a place for me to jot down my, has grown in to so much more. I’ve developed friendships with incredible other women – women that come from all walks of life, from place throughout the world. The sense of community has been incredible. We’re all on our own journeys, but it’s nice to know that we’re all in it together. Some days, the little comments of encouragement, support and gratitude are what get me through the day! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
In light of Thanksgiving and spending time with my family for the next few days, I’ll be missing from this spot. I’ll be back in December with more holiday themed goodness, but for now, enjoy this day with loved ones and know that I’m thankful for you!

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