Again, a little late, but better late than never!
So little McKenzie...You're a 1 and a half! How in the world did that happen?! Weren't we just planning your first birthday party?! This past month has been so much fun with you!
What's Happening:
The Start of Potty Training
You've shown interest and I'm cautiously optimistic! I know it is probably still a little way off, but you've told Jen at daycare and us when you need to go!
PreschoolI can't even believe that I just typed that. How did we get here!? I've been researching local preschools for the past month or two. First, most are way more expensive than I realized that they would be. Second, most are charging a lot of money for only 2 hours, 2 days a week. I was shocked! After researching a little more, we found a local preschool that we love! I can't even wait for you to start there in September! You are going to learn so much and have so much fun!
VocabularyI'm not even sure how many words you know now. You talk all day long! What I love about your learning words is that you are finally able to communicate with us! A few nights ago, you were so exhausted. We gave you your bath and I sat down with you, just as I do each night, to hold you for a few minutes before you climb in to bed. You lost your mind. I wasn't even sure why! I assumed it was because you were overly tired. As I listened closer, I finally caught on to what you were saying as you were crying! Book! You were upset that we didn't read! My little creature of habit! I let you pick out a book, we read it, you curled right up in my arms and went to sleep without a fight. I love that you can tell us things now!
Your newest phrase that you say each night as we end a story, is "The End!" You are listening and learning and I love it!
Leading up to Halloween, we taught you Boo, since you were going to be a ghost. Anytime we asked you what a ghost said, you would yell, "Boo!"
We've moved on and skipped over Thanksgiving, since "Gobble Gobble" is a little harder to say. We've started working on Christmas. If we ask you what Santa says, you reply, "Ho ho!" and if we ask whose birthday it is on Christmas you say, "Baby Cheezus". It makes me giggle every time. There is some slight confusion though because any time you want a Cheez It cracker, you will say Cheezus. We've got some clarification to do!
Favorite ThingSinging the ABC's. It's your favorite song. As we sing it, you join in with a random E, G, I, or Z. You bob your head as we say each letter. After we're done singing, you will sing it on your own. You have the rhythm of the song down, but mumble through most of the letters until you hit your favorites - E, G, I and Z.
EatingYou eat a lot, but are still kind of picky. You hate any form of meat. Veggies and've got it. Put a chicken, ham, turkey, or meat loaf in front of you and you remove them from your plate. It's so bizarre. We've been working on finding new forms of protein that you will actually eat, but haven't been too successful.
You have also become finicky with how your food is presented. Some days you want things cut, so we cut them up. Then the next meal, you refuse to eat because you wanted it whole. Then the next meal you want things cut up. We can't keep up!
Sleep Habits
Your sleep habits have been less than stellar ever since daylight savings time. I think we also had a touch of sleep regression going on at the same time, which means we haven't been getting the greatest sleep! For about 2 weeks, you would wake up at 2 in the morning, open your door and stand at the gate. You would call for me and I would come get you. As soon as you saw me, you would run back to your bed, grab your blanket, and motion to be picked up. We'd sit in your chair and rock and you'd fall back to sleep quickly. You would sleep until about 5:15. Then you were up again for good! We've been a little tired, but it has gotten better. The past few nights, you've slept through the night again and have only been getting up a little earlier than normal!
We've been busy this past month!
You had you're second Halloween. Such a cute little ghost!
You went to your first show - Disney on Ice. We went with your friend Ella and you loved it!
You thought you were home, because you insisted on taking your shoes off! |
Date Day with Dad - Daycare was closed, so Dad stayed home with you. You went to a bounce house with inflatable moon bounces with your friend, Adelyn, and then out to lunch! You had so much fun!
This month has been one of the best! You are for sure your own little person, with an ever emerging personality. It's so fun watching you grow and I'm so thankful that I'm your Mom!
I love you through and through. Yesterday, today and tomorrow too.